Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dino Riders!? SDS!?

How could I forget Dino Riders? These were some of my most fondly remembered toys, and I am certain that my parents had to endure endless negotiations about how my siblings and I could obtain more of them. Here's the highest fidelity image I could find online: maybe someone else thinks this is as awesome as I do. There were cartoons, which I don't remember at all, but there are a couple comics up at this site, under toys>comic inserts. plus there are desktop backgrounds like the one below. This is probably the coolest ever.

also I found an old image I made well over a year ago and then never used. It is a line drawing for an idea I thought would work well for SDS recruitment. It is finals week, I should not be posting.

Friday, December 12, 2008

second attempt.


there is an interesting photography process i came across called "tilt shifting." the idea is that you can keep one area in focus while blurring the rest of the image to give the illusion that the entire scene appears to be a miniature. there are some great examples online. here is my first attempt. does it look like a miniature city?


i like the red horizontal boxes and the vertical blue boxes.

Squarepusher - Planet Gear from Warp Records on Vimeo.

purrformance art.

thursday night check it out.

Monday, December 8, 2008

i <3 house music.

this is crookers. they are a dj/production crew from italy.

its monday.

so i have had two songs stuck in my head this monday morning: love lockdown by kanye west and tribulations by lcd soundsystem. my early morning printmaking class usually entails drawing for the first half of class and then scanning/photoshop/illustrator in the comp lab for the second half...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

is this even real.

on the topic of dinosaurs. this is all i have to share.


from months of slumber and deep hibernation rumblepack has returned to staticalaska. I have awoken. i happy to post art and such along with megacat and moink. i will also say that this morning sir megacat bet me $500 that I wouldn't post anything up here today. considering that i have in fact made a post today i have been searching for something that costs exactly $500. i have found the perfect thing - 19 VHS tapes of "Lets Learn to Dance" with Kathy Blake
so not only is Megacat out $500, he's also gonna have to deal with the overwhelming jealously that will inevitably fall upon him when he sees me stepping some perfect Argentine tango. 

dinosaurs and graffiti maggots

Sorry that this blog has been neglected for such a long time: college seems to have been taking a toll on my outside-of-college life. I have been managing to get through this semester and at this point, my graduation is inevitable, so I can relax a bit and post a bit again. Eric and I are both posting today, which carries with it an agreement that we will post a link to some info about our favorite dinosaurs. This is ridiculously childish, but I'm cool with that. I think I am pretty committed to parasaurolophus, with the whole group of armored dinosaurs coming in second. Parasaurolophus had a showy crest that also worked as a horn for making sound with.
Now that that is established, I can post the image. I drw a page of maggots a couple weeks ago, and over the last few days I have played around with photoshopping them onto the side of a building. Here's the result.

and a detail part:

I didn't really know we were rocking a purple background here at StaticAlaska lately, but I think I'm alright with it.
Eric and I both played in two shows yesterday--first with Flock and then with $2000 Puma. They went alright. There was a lot of feedback to deal with in the first one, and my keyboard wasn't working for the second one. So really, not that awesome, but getting back into the swing of performances is fun. Flock aims to have an album done for the new year, so don't hold your breath, but that is coming up. I think we're playing Harv's CD release show at Eclipse records in St Paul on January 2nd, and then releasing our own shortly after that. I'll try and keep you updated through this blog.