Sunday, March 29, 2009

Show on Monday

This show is on Monday, and the rest of the details are all here on the posters!
I made three to compensate for the fact that they are just 8.5x11 black and white prints.
So here is the info on what I expect will be three great days to start off my pseudo spring break: today there is a party that Flock and $2000 Puma are both playing, then tomorrow I won tickets to Ratatat in Seattle, and then we have this show on Monday (plus all of the Lapelles are visiting, which will be a party in its own right).
I hope that everyone else is having comparably exciting times.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Flock Rides Bikes

Here's some more nonsensical bike advocacy coming out of staticalaska.
Flock: we ride bikes cause we and bikes are tight.
I think I mostly just like the phonetics of it. It was not thought out at all, and Eric was really not consulted. There are other images from when this picture was taken; something similar to this, but a little easier to take seriously, will likely be up in the coming weeks.
peace out, little planet

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

you can always trust bears

The title of this post is not a wise message, and is not true whatsoever.
That said, if you are looking to staticalaska for wisdom, you must be either desperate or misguided. Let me guide you somewhat: Kevin Nguyen and the folks at the bygone bureau might be more helpful in that regard (though wisdom might not always be the best word for it), and if you have some time for lectures, watching something on TED is generally about a twice a week occurrence for me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

So there's a show on Friday

Have you heard? There is this show on Friday. In a rush for time, I put this poster together yesterday, and ended up scrapping several ideas before cutting back to an aesthetic I feel like I have a handle on pretty well. Here's what I got together; it might look sort of familiar (and the image is of Tokyo). To the bands: I do not know what order everyone is playing in. Once I had exported stuff to an uneditable format, I realized that the order of names is something I should have given more attention to. Also sorry on this image maybe being too big to fit on your screen, I'm at school so I'm just uploading the print size.

I'm still looking for freelance work!

radio radio.

rumblepack has a radio show.
thursday nights.
9-10pm Pacific Time.
stream online @
or listen at in north tacoma, wa