Hello, world!
I am sitting in Bozeman public library with Eric typing everything with my left hand. I tore up my right shoulder riding yesterday (I have an a/c separation?) so I spent last night drawing lions in sharpie with my left hand, and I am now slow at everything but reading, and I am maybe even slow at that when I am on my prescribed vicadin. Anyway, I wanted to post a couple random things.

The first is a couple-of-weeks old album cover submission for the Campus Music Network's
annual compilation CD. I have been working on a new one, but it is not submitted yet, so it is still in the works. I think that this older one still looks decent, though.

The second is a graf-style staticalaska sketch that I scanned into photoshop and colored. it looks 8bit old school (that is what Eric told me, and then he remixed it). I did the coloring and stuff on Wednesday night, I think. Eric's show what awesome feats he is capable of with photoshop. The thing is that his computer doesn't have it, so he can only work that magic through mine or something.

I played with Illustrator a fair amount over spring break. I've got one thing that is good to post, but I am working on a cool fish thing that should be good in the future. For now, you all get some more words work, and I have decided to throw a watercolor/ink llama scene, too. That should be enough to hold you over.

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