Sunday, December 7, 2008

dinosaurs and graffiti maggots

Sorry that this blog has been neglected for such a long time: college seems to have been taking a toll on my outside-of-college life. I have been managing to get through this semester and at this point, my graduation is inevitable, so I can relax a bit and post a bit again. Eric and I are both posting today, which carries with it an agreement that we will post a link to some info about our favorite dinosaurs. This is ridiculously childish, but I'm cool with that. I think I am pretty committed to parasaurolophus, with the whole group of armored dinosaurs coming in second. Parasaurolophus had a showy crest that also worked as a horn for making sound with.
Now that that is established, I can post the image. I drw a page of maggots a couple weeks ago, and over the last few days I have played around with photoshopping them onto the side of a building. Here's the result.

and a detail part:

I didn't really know we were rocking a purple background here at StaticAlaska lately, but I think I'm alright with it.
Eric and I both played in two shows yesterday--first with Flock and then with $2000 Puma. They went alright. There was a lot of feedback to deal with in the first one, and my keyboard wasn't working for the second one. So really, not that awesome, but getting back into the swing of performances is fun. Flock aims to have an album done for the new year, so don't hold your breath, but that is coming up. I think we're playing Harv's CD release show at Eclipse records in St Paul on January 2nd, and then releasing our own shortly after that. I'll try and keep you updated through this blog.


Rumblepack said...

lrn2lasso lulz.

megacat said...

I don't really understand your webspeak, but I think you're insulting me? This reminds me of being in Oman and having a bunch of preschoolers laughing at me and saying things to me in Arabic. It's like I think I am being made fun of, but I can't really properly respond to it. wtf rumblepack.

Rumblepack said...
